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George Stanworth
The Chase
Bradley’s the driver
of this brilliant show,
steering each quizzer
as they gladly go
up against chasers
(but not those you drink);
the genius kind
who constantly think.
Wowing with knowledge
from battles to seas,
impressing us all
with their quiz expertise.
The chasers keep changing.
Who is it today?
Whoever it is
wants contestants to pay.
It could be Shaun Wallace
(who knows all the laws)
and has many nicknames
such as ‘Grumpy Jaws.’
There’s a governess, a vixen,
a doctor, a beast;
answering quick
so the gap can decrease.
Will they or won’t they
leave rivals bereft?
Sometimes they catch them
with one second left.
Whatever occurs,
my tea-time's been shaken,
by the show that I know
can’t be over-taken!
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